
Heart about to explode

...from too much love

I never would have thought being a mom could ever be so great! My boy is six years old but that feeling still amazes me after all this time when I go to tuck him in better at night. Every day I think that there's no way possible to have more love for a person, but every day I prove myself wrong!

Don't know exactly what my point is, just felt like sharing...



I was wondering why they call my condition being hung over? I think it's a pretty silly term, since I'm definitively not hung, and I'm not over anything - I'm much rather 'under' if I have to place myself anywhere at all...

In fact, none of the synonyms I found make more sense to me: aftereffect, big head (my head feels smaller), crapulence, crown fire, delirium tremens, drunkenness (nope, that was last night), DTs, feebles, head, headache (don't have to be hung over to get that), morning after, shakes (isn't that what I was doing last night? - At least I've got a few sore muscles from exessive dancing), shot (well, I AM feeling a bit bad, but I didn't get shot!) and willies.

I think the term we have in Icelandic is much better, when you're suffering from that condition you're simply "þunnur" -or thin (as in diluted). I think that much better explains how I feel.


So anyway, last night was a lot of fun (hence my present condition)! I got to sing my heart out to a bunch of people who were too drunk to notice my splendid singing voice. I rocked the house *rain in nose* with John C. Mellencamp's "Hurts so good" and Scorpions' "Still loving you", accompanied by a little "Whiskey in the jar" and a nice ballad I've forgotten by now (perhaps just as well). I flirted heavily with the bartender which resulted in a great discount off a few Fisherman's Friend shots - which again resulted in me lying on the sofa with 2 liters of orange juice and a bucket of painkillers to munch on...

Well I won't keep it longer for now, I'm going to get a guestbook post going here (thanks for the great idea, Quicky), later folks!



Looks like those years as a bartender really payed off!

"Bacardi 151
Congratulations! You're 144 proof!
All right. No more messing around. Your knowledge of alcohol is so high that you have drinking and getting plastered down to a science. Sure, you could get wasted drinking beer, but who needs all those trips to the bathroom? You head straight for the bar and pick up that which is most efficient."

Want to test your knowledge? Do it here

Karaoke baby!

Well guess what? Li|iana is going to a karaoke bar tonight with some friends! It's been a while since the last time I did that and I'm expecting it to be a lot of fun. It's always great to go make a fool of yourself, stop caring about appearances and go a bit wild.
Anyway, I think it'll be a lot of fun - and I've already begun preparing myself mentally for it (meaning: I've already opened the first beer ;)). Too bad I can't sing my Friday song (Lâche pas la patate - I recommend that you try and get it somewhere), I highly doubt that they have it there...wonder why?

Well I'm not going to talk any more about it, but I'll be sure to get back to you on how it went :D

Best Saturday wishes from Li|iana and her beer!

P.s. oh, and a very special thank you to Quicky for posting those comments, I was beginning to think I was alone in the world!



I found this horror of a poem on the internet a few weeks ago and I haven't bee able to stop trying to decipher what it actually means.

I know that it's supposed to be a kind of a guideline around Icelandic grammar, but even though I know Icelandic grammar is tough, I think this poem has succeeded in the near-impossible: to make it even harder!
I hereby am putting out an official 'WANTED' poster. The thing wanted is someone who understands what in Heaven's name it is supposed to mean and I will happily declare that someone much better at my native tongue than me.

Here's the dang thing:

Learning Icelandic
An Anonymous Ode To The Complexities Of Grammar

You saw a ship go 'round the bend
In Iceland? Call it "skip", my friend.
But if you saw THE ship you use
"Hið skip", or "skipið" as you choose.

Supposing, then, that to this ship
You wish to go -- you can't say "skip"
The Nominative Case -- ah, no --
Rather, to "skipsins", do you go --

Then, up the ship-sides clamber you
"Hið skip", or "Hin skip" will not do.
Again, 'tis the Possessive Case
"Hin skips" or skipsins" used in place.

But, coming 'round the bend, maybe
Two ships, or three or four you see.
Then "skipin" see you, or "hin skip"
Plural Accusative of ship.

If to the ships you wend your way,
Is "skipin" still the word? Nay! Nay!
You now come to "hinna skipa" go --
Or to "skipanna" walk or row.

And pray be careful, lest you trip
Over a Dative on the ship.
Many have come to grief ere you
And barked their shins on "skipinu".

Enough! you say, in heaven's name, come
Lower the boats from "skipinu".
Desert the "skip" that is no ship
But various forms and kinds of "skip".

All right, if you insist, but we
Must take our leave grammatically.
"Hið skip" or "skipið" leave we now,
To "hinna skipa" make our bow.

Against "skipunum" far and near
Echoes our heartfelt parting cheer.
"Hið skip" -- Farewell! -- and ship ahoy,
God give Icelandic students, joy!

Now can someone please explain this to me as if I were a five year old?



Today, me and Atli Þorgeir (my son) are staying home. He got the flu last week and I thought that he was all better on Monday and sent him to school - but it turns out I was wrong, he got a fever again so I didn't want to take any chances by sending him to school again today. So, yet another day of laziness and complete boredom for us. So far, I've missed 7 full days of school and I'm getting pretty afraid that I'll have a hard time recovering from that... But I keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best, promise myself to do a lot of work during the weekend or something *yah, right*
Actually, thing have been somewhat tougher this semester. For some reason, I haven't quite been able to find peace to concentrate on school. It kind of stinks, since I love sharpening my brain on new stuff - but there have been incidents occurring pretty much constantly since the year began that have prevented me from reaching my goals and full potential. All I can do is try to hang on and hope for the best. Hopefully, when things settle down around here I can concentrate on getting back on track.

Hmmm... I just realized how completely useless and absolutely boring this post must seem to the people unfortunate enough to have stumbled across this site... So I guess I'll move on to something else!

I was wondering the other day about how people you've never actually met can still give you a certain feeling. Now, of course I'm talking about people you meet online. I've done quite a bit of socializing around the web for the last few months and I've "met" a lot of different kinds of people. Some I've gotten to know pretty well but most I've just had casual conversations with and haven't really gotten inside their shell. But the funny thing is that I think that even though it's kind of unpersonal, you still get some sort of chemistry going on with people. You either like them or you don't - just based on a few lines of text exchanged. And your opinion isn't always formed by what they say, but how they say it. So from thinking about that I of course started wondering about how I must come off to the people I talk to.
I must admit, I haven't been doing this for a very long time, so I'm afraid that I must come off as pretty strange to a lot of people, because perhaps I haven't quite gotten familiar with "codes of conduct" in the virtual world, and all the different ways to twist a conversation to get the most out of it. I probably say way too much sometimes and way to little other times... but I think that I mainly behave pretty all right, at least I'm not rude to people or offensive in the way I speak (I hope).
I think getting to know people like this has both positive and negative aspects. Of course, there are some nutjobs out there and people's reasons for chatting can be very different, some honest and some a bit less than honest...And of course, the people who for some odd reason have gotten it into their heads that they can say and do anything and excuse their behavior by the fact that they're just expressing their opinion - or worse: those who behave like morons and simply don't care, in fact they go online in purpose to blow off some steam and be agressive and abusive to people. Those can really be hard to spot, and sadly enough they often manage to make you feel bad - even though it's not real face-to-face insults...
I think I'm getting much better at sorting that out though, since I get more experience every day. But still, it can be difficult to know just what the people you're talking to are thinking or feeling, because after all, all you have to go on is what they are typing! You don't see their faces or body language, and that's what makes up a whole lot of normal conversations. I think that's mainly the difference I see in myself on one hand and more experienced chatters on the other. Those old-timers have a better way of expressing the fullness of what they're trying to communicate just by typing. I guess I have a lot to learn there. In the meantime, I'm just going to continue having fun!

WOW this post ended up as a long one! -Well that's me, talky talky talky... I'll try to refrain from these huge posts in the future unless I really have something important to say. -I promise!


Well, I seem to have figured the blogthing out ok so far, the setup of it is a lot different from the Icelandic one I use, so I had to dig deep in my little ol' brain to find some never-before-used html knowledge just to manage to stick some links and a header on the page. But actually, this is a lot nicer, it certainly allows more personalization and control over the site. Well - or so it seems, anyway...


First blog in English

Well I guess it had to happen eventually!
Looks like I've got more English speaking friends now than Icelandic ones, so only having an Icelandic blog isn't really fair I guess! Anyway, I'm hoping I'll be able to post here regularly so my friends can enjoy that special thing that is the life of Liliana!

I'm not familiar with the setup here at blogspot, so it might take a while before the site becomes as kick-ass-great as I want it to be, but hang on tight, I'll do my very best not to be boring in the meantime.


A little poetry

My knight

Everything I waited for was wiped out
everything I owned blown to pieces
with a single word of yours

So what is left?

The future is a void, my life a bottomless hole
the poems torn to pieces by thoughts, that look so strange
when they hit the paper

He is what’s left, my saviour, my light, my life.


Doesn’t ask for anything but what my nature bids me to give
but gives in return a much greater gift;

I thought he’d be mounted on a white horse
but not wearing big, blue eyes,
two red cheeks, and three white teeth, who are revealed to me
in a smile which contains the whole life.

Yes, I will be rescued

By the greatest hero of all time.


Sweet suffocation

If you were real
I would reach out my finger
just a millimeter.
And I’d be submerged by you
because I’m surrounded by your loveliness
all around
far away
yet so close
like a part of my atmosphere



I know the ways of your heart
I understand your thoughts
In love
I thrive on your sincerity

I fear your goodness


Allow me to cry

Allow me to cry
because the world is too as bad as they say
Allow me to cry
because my heart is breaking because of its wickedness
Allow me to cry
because my heart screams but nobody hears it
Allow me to cry
I can’t do it alone
Allow me to cry
Allow me to cry
and take the weight off my chest.




Well here's my guestbook, hope you won't hesitate to drop in a line or two (or fourty three), it would really make me a happy person.