If you need to kill some time...
...this is a great way to do it. Thanks Vagabond, I've had a lot of fun with it!
The dangers of the flu
Yesterday I found out the most hazardous part of being sick.
Obviously, you're in great danger of becoming a pill-popping junkie or an alcoholic!
This flu of mine has been marked with horrible headache, ridiculously painful coughing spells and a high fever, so to try to keep the suffering to a minimum I've been taking some painkillers which in Icelandic are called Ibukod (a mixture of ibuprofen for the headache and codeine for pain killing and to suppress coughing), as well as another type called Panodil (it's basically just paracetamol - same thing as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) - for kicking the fever down). Well, I guess the Panodil ones are OK, but the Ibukod is dangerous stuff! The Codeine in them is derived from morphine or opium and is highly addictive - so after a week of popping those I felt that my headache was caused more from withdrawal symptoms than from the flu...
So I decided to just take the pain and stop popping the pills. But I still had to keep the coughing to a minimum, though, because in one of the coughing spells I had managed to rupture a little vein and was therefore coughing up blood - and I don't really like the taste of blood (if my ex told you any different, he's lying!!), so I kind of wanted to not cough any more to let that heal.
So I got out my bottle of cough syrup - but didn't really limit the use of it to the 10 ml 5 times a day as suggested... *whistles*
I guess you can say I REALLY wanted to get rid of the coughing, so I drank about 3/4 of the 150 ml bottle before noon yesterday. I *do* realize that was probably not a very wise decision, but in my defence: THIS COUGHING HURTS!!!
Well the result of that binging was that I suddenly felt the urge to lie down on the floor and going to sleep. I looked at my cats playing on the floor and they were actually jumping around in slow motion, I had a buzzing in my ears and a not-so-great feeling in my tummy... Well I pretty much felt like I did at 7:43 last January 1st, when I was getting home from that newyears party...
Anyway, I managed to crawl to bed and pass out there for five hours! And I woke up with a much heavier head than before, BUT no coughing!
All I can say is that I hope this will be over soon, I don't want this flu to cause me to have to check in at a rehab facitily...
Obviously, you're in great danger of becoming a pill-popping junkie or an alcoholic!
This flu of mine has been marked with horrible headache, ridiculously painful coughing spells and a high fever, so to try to keep the suffering to a minimum I've been taking some painkillers which in Icelandic are called Ibukod (a mixture of ibuprofen for the headache and codeine for pain killing and to suppress coughing), as well as another type called Panodil (it's basically just paracetamol - same thing as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) - for kicking the fever down). Well, I guess the Panodil ones are OK, but the Ibukod is dangerous stuff! The Codeine in them is derived from morphine or opium and is highly addictive - so after a week of popping those I felt that my headache was caused more from withdrawal symptoms than from the flu...
So I decided to just take the pain and stop popping the pills. But I still had to keep the coughing to a minimum, though, because in one of the coughing spells I had managed to rupture a little vein and was therefore coughing up blood - and I don't really like the taste of blood (if my ex told you any different, he's lying!!), so I kind of wanted to not cough any more to let that heal.
So I got out my bottle of cough syrup - but didn't really limit the use of it to the 10 ml 5 times a day as suggested... *whistles*
I guess you can say I REALLY wanted to get rid of the coughing, so I drank about 3/4 of the 150 ml bottle before noon yesterday. I *do* realize that was probably not a very wise decision, but in my defence: THIS COUGHING HURTS!!!
Well the result of that binging was that I suddenly felt the urge to lie down on the floor and going to sleep. I looked at my cats playing on the floor and they were actually jumping around in slow motion, I had a buzzing in my ears and a not-so-great feeling in my tummy... Well I pretty much felt like I did at 7:43 last January 1st, when I was getting home from that newyears party...
Anyway, I managed to crawl to bed and pass out there for five hours! And I woke up with a much heavier head than before, BUT no coughing!
All I can say is that I hope this will be over soon, I don't want this flu to cause me to have to check in at a rehab facitily...
Need a topic
I have no idea what to talk about today - I'm just extremely bored and wanted to find something to kill time with. I feel too sick to be walking around doing some cleaning (which is definitely needed, though...) so whatever I do I think I'll be doing right here, sitting on the sofa. I'm hoping the flu will release its hold on me soon, so I can start looking around me and not seeing piles of unfolded laundry and dust-bunnies running around on the floor.
I think I'm allergic to Chinese food. I can not eat anything from Chinese restaurants without getting horribly nauseous and basically just spending a couple of hours lying on the couch with stomach pains. The weird thing is that I can't think of what exactly it is that triggers this state of not-so-well-being, but I really would like to know. I think being like this really stinks, because I have a hard time thinking of food I like more than Chinese. *cries*
I think I'm allergic to Chinese food. I can not eat anything from Chinese restaurants without getting horribly nauseous and basically just spending a couple of hours lying on the couch with stomach pains. The weird thing is that I can't think of what exactly it is that triggers this state of not-so-well-being, but I really would like to know. I think being like this really stinks, because I have a hard time thinking of food I like more than Chinese. *cries*
Shower or time-machine?
I was just wondering - what exactly IS that thing??
They say it's a shower, but I'm not completely convinced. It looks more like a home-entertainment/massage parlour/phonebooth - kind of thingy...
At least I know that I want one! And as soon as money comes flying out of my ass I'll get one and probably just move into it and never, ever come out again!
Good to know?
I sure would have liked to be a bit more exciting... but:
I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt. What Flavour Are You? |
A reason for smiling
I just realized today how incredibly lucky I am to have so many decent online buddies. Most people I talk to are very nice and friendly - but obviously, there are rotten eggs to be found on the internet.
What brought me to that realization is that I experienced the worst of online-casanovas today.
I'll just paste in a copy of the chatlog, but change the name (because I'm such a nice girl):
P: hello baby
Li|iana: erm... hello. Who are you?
P: just a guy. love your picture. you are hot
Li|iana: well thank you...
P: i am horny. are you horny?
P: hello?
Li|iana: what?
P: do you shave yourself?
Li|iana: LOL is that any business of yours?
P: I'm curious. is your pu**y dirty?
P: please answer me darling I'm a good guy and I want to lick your pu**y
P: is it dirty?
P: I don't bite unless you ask me to ;)
Li|iana: hmmm... ok... No, my pu**y is huge and hairy, stinks like old fish and I honestly don't know more about it because I'm so fat I haven't seen it for years.
Li|iana: What tha FU*K do you think you're doing talking to people like that? What my pu**y looks like is none of your business!
P: mmmmh that turns me on I like a nice dirty pu**y. Can I lick it clean for you?
P: ok I'll stop now you're obviously not into this
Li|iana: No I'm not. I think it's pretty disgusting!
P: so how old are you?
P: ...
P: come on, I said I'd stop being rude. let's just talk.
P: darling?
P: please answer me
P: i'm a good person
Li|iana: well you have a horrible way of presenting yourself
P: there you are! i'm so happy you decided to stay
Li|iana: I haven't decided anything.
P: have you been to the toilet today?
Li|iana: WHAT?
P: do you like taking a sh*t?
Li|iana: OMG
P: do you like the feeling when the sh*t leaves your as*?
Li|iana: please stop talking to me, I think you're disgusting
P: no I'm not disgusting! I want to put my di*k in your as* when you feel like taking a sh*t and take it out when it is brown and smelly. I want to make you scream and beg me to stop raping your as*
Li|iana: Ok I'm putting you on my ignore list now. Please wash your fingers, in acid preferably!
P: ?

I'm hoping I won't have to deal with this again... I'm still nauseous!
What brought me to that realization is that I experienced the worst of online-casanovas today.
I'll just paste in a copy of the chatlog, but change the name (because I'm such a nice girl):
P: hello baby
Li|iana: erm... hello. Who are you?
P: just a guy. love your picture. you are hot
Li|iana: well thank you...
P: i am horny. are you horny?
P: hello?
Li|iana: what?
P: do you shave yourself?
Li|iana: LOL is that any business of yours?
P: I'm curious. is your pu**y dirty?
P: please answer me darling I'm a good guy and I want to lick your pu**y
P: is it dirty?
P: I don't bite unless you ask me to ;)
Li|iana: hmmm... ok... No, my pu**y is huge and hairy, stinks like old fish and I honestly don't know more about it because I'm so fat I haven't seen it for years.
Li|iana: What tha FU*K do you think you're doing talking to people like that? What my pu**y looks like is none of your business!
P: mmmmh that turns me on I like a nice dirty pu**y. Can I lick it clean for you?
P: ok I'll stop now you're obviously not into this
Li|iana: No I'm not. I think it's pretty disgusting!
P: so how old are you?
P: ...
P: come on, I said I'd stop being rude. let's just talk.
P: darling?
P: please answer me
P: i'm a good person
Li|iana: well you have a horrible way of presenting yourself
P: there you are! i'm so happy you decided to stay
Li|iana: I haven't decided anything.
P: have you been to the toilet today?
Li|iana: WHAT?
P: do you like taking a sh*t?
Li|iana: OMG
P: do you like the feeling when the sh*t leaves your as*?
Li|iana: please stop talking to me, I think you're disgusting
P: no I'm not disgusting! I want to put my di*k in your as* when you feel like taking a sh*t and take it out when it is brown and smelly. I want to make you scream and beg me to stop raping your as*
Li|iana: Ok I'm putting you on my ignore list now. Please wash your fingers, in acid preferably!
P: ?
I'm hoping I won't have to deal with this again... I'm still nauseous!
You better laugh!
(This took me an hour to translate, so you better laugh! -It's a little bit long though... )
A man was praying one night: ”My dear God, I’m a faithful servant of yours! I’m so tired of working all the time, I just wish that for one day I could trade places with my wife. Women don’t have to work so hard, they just have to hang out at home, maybe wipe the children’s noses every now and then. Please, God, let me trade – just for one day!”
The man was a true and kind Christian and didn’t ask God for things like this often, so he wasn’t really surprised when he woke up the next morning and realized God had granted him his wish. He was ecstatic, until he went to the bathroom and found a message from God written with fire on the toilet paper. It said:
“I have decided to grant you your wish. Now you must hurry up, put on your makeup and fix your hair, be in the kitchen before 6:30, make coffee, wake up your husband and your children, make breakfast for the whole family and lunch packs for those of them who need that. Then you must get everybody ready, drive your husband to work as well as the children to school and kindergarten. Then you shall take the youngest child home and change it’s diaper. Then you must do the dishes after breakfast, put on a load of laundry, fold the laundry that will now be dry from yesterday, iron what needs ironing, change the baby’s diaper again, breastfeed it, make the beds, unload the washing machine, hang up the laundry, give the baby it’s pacifier and reload the washing machine, put the baby down for it’s nap and use the time while it sleeps to vacuum-clean, mop the floors, dust the shelves and clean the toilet.
When the baby wakes up you shall have to change it’s diaper again (and you’ll have to change it’s clothes as well because it will have messed up the previous outfit) and breastfeed it. By then it will be around the time you’ll have to go pick one of the kids up from kindergarten. Do that and bring it home. Change it’s clothes because it’ll be filthy from playing in the mud. Unload the washing machine, hang up that load, take down that of the laundry which will be dry by then and then reload the machine. Fold laundry. Give the older child something to eat and when that’s finished you’ll have to go get the oldest child from school. Do that and bring it home. Help it with it’s homework while you change the youngest child, put the older one in shoes and make a shopping list. When your oldest has finished it’s homework yo may call your middle child and then give them a well balanced, nutricious meal. When that’s finished you’ll have to dress them all up again, because now it’s time to go shopping. Try to not scream at the children or abuse them physically while you shop – that will be a challenge, because they will try to do anything they can to irritate you –, get the groceries, the children and yourself to the register. Unfortunately you will find out that your kredidcard has been closed because your husband forgot to pay the bill. You will have to ask the cashier to wait while you call your husband from your cell phone and ask him to fix the mess. While you wait for that to happen you will notice that your youngest will have done a #2 in it’s diaper and it will begin to cry furiously. You will manage eventually to pay for the groceries and get all of your stuff (groceries, children and yourself) to the car. Then you’ll have to hurry home to change the youngest, you won’t have much time, though, because you’ll have to pick your husband up from work – so please HURRY!
Now it’s time to get your husband, try not to be late – and please remember that the fact the traffic is lousy isn’t your children’s fault – so please don’t take your frustration out on them. When you’ve gotten your husband home it will be time to make dinner. When everybody has eaten it will be time to get the middle child to bed and change the youngest yet again. You will also have to argue with the oldest child, because it will ask you for permission to spend the night at a friend’s place, something you really don’t want because there’s an alcohol problem in that family... And besides that, the child has to go to school in the morning! Nag on your husband for 45 minutes until he gets off his ass to mend the door that will be broken when the oldest child will slam the door. While he does that you must send the oldest child to bed, change the youngest and put in in it’s pyjamas, breastfeed it and get it to go to sleep. When that’s finished you shall take out the wet laundry from the machine, hang up the wet stuff, take down the dry stuff and fold it, and put on a new load. Now it will be time to do the dishes and clean the kitchen after dinner.
By now you’ll be able to take a breath and the house will seem somewhat quiet. But hang on... Your husband will ask you to be ‘ready’ when you get to bed – and of course you shall give him what he wants there. If you’re lucky (which I know you will be – after all, we’re talking about your husband, we both know what he’s like) the act will take only about 12 minutes. When he falls asleep you will go to the bathroom and wash yourself while you wait for the washing machine to finish. When it does you must hang up the wet clothes, take down the dry things and fold them and then put on another load of laundry. Then you can get the oldest child’s schoolbag ready for tomorrow, get the children’s clothes ready and then finish tidying up so it won’t be messy in the morning. When you’re finished with that you can brush your teeth and go to bed. Good luck!"
The man sat down on the toilet, stunned. He then decided to get started on God’s to-do list. He barely made it through the day and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, exhausted after all the work and with sore muscles after the sex. He managed to sleep for 2 x 3 hours (had to wake up and feed the youngest). The first thing he did when he woke up the next morning was to fall on his knees in the bathroom and beg God to change him back to a man.
Soon, the fire-writing appeard on the toilet paper:
“My dear son. I am very proud of how well you did yesterday, and I would like nothing more than to be able to grant you your wish this time. But unfortunately I can not. You will have to wait for about nine months, because – CONGRATULATIONS! You’re having a baby!”
A man was praying one night: ”My dear God, I’m a faithful servant of yours! I’m so tired of working all the time, I just wish that for one day I could trade places with my wife. Women don’t have to work so hard, they just have to hang out at home, maybe wipe the children’s noses every now and then. Please, God, let me trade – just for one day!”
The man was a true and kind Christian and didn’t ask God for things like this often, so he wasn’t really surprised when he woke up the next morning and realized God had granted him his wish. He was ecstatic, until he went to the bathroom and found a message from God written with fire on the toilet paper. It said:
“I have decided to grant you your wish. Now you must hurry up, put on your makeup and fix your hair, be in the kitchen before 6:30, make coffee, wake up your husband and your children, make breakfast for the whole family and lunch packs for those of them who need that. Then you must get everybody ready, drive your husband to work as well as the children to school and kindergarten. Then you shall take the youngest child home and change it’s diaper. Then you must do the dishes after breakfast, put on a load of laundry, fold the laundry that will now be dry from yesterday, iron what needs ironing, change the baby’s diaper again, breastfeed it, make the beds, unload the washing machine, hang up the laundry, give the baby it’s pacifier and reload the washing machine, put the baby down for it’s nap and use the time while it sleeps to vacuum-clean, mop the floors, dust the shelves and clean the toilet.
When the baby wakes up you shall have to change it’s diaper again (and you’ll have to change it’s clothes as well because it will have messed up the previous outfit) and breastfeed it. By then it will be around the time you’ll have to go pick one of the kids up from kindergarten. Do that and bring it home. Change it’s clothes because it’ll be filthy from playing in the mud. Unload the washing machine, hang up that load, take down that of the laundry which will be dry by then and then reload the machine. Fold laundry. Give the older child something to eat and when that’s finished you’ll have to go get the oldest child from school. Do that and bring it home. Help it with it’s homework while you change the youngest child, put the older one in shoes and make a shopping list. When your oldest has finished it’s homework yo may call your middle child and then give them a well balanced, nutricious meal. When that’s finished you’ll have to dress them all up again, because now it’s time to go shopping. Try to not scream at the children or abuse them physically while you shop – that will be a challenge, because they will try to do anything they can to irritate you –, get the groceries, the children and yourself to the register. Unfortunately you will find out that your kredidcard has been closed because your husband forgot to pay the bill. You will have to ask the cashier to wait while you call your husband from your cell phone and ask him to fix the mess. While you wait for that to happen you will notice that your youngest will have done a #2 in it’s diaper and it will begin to cry furiously. You will manage eventually to pay for the groceries and get all of your stuff (groceries, children and yourself) to the car. Then you’ll have to hurry home to change the youngest, you won’t have much time, though, because you’ll have to pick your husband up from work – so please HURRY!
Now it’s time to get your husband, try not to be late – and please remember that the fact the traffic is lousy isn’t your children’s fault – so please don’t take your frustration out on them. When you’ve gotten your husband home it will be time to make dinner. When everybody has eaten it will be time to get the middle child to bed and change the youngest yet again. You will also have to argue with the oldest child, because it will ask you for permission to spend the night at a friend’s place, something you really don’t want because there’s an alcohol problem in that family... And besides that, the child has to go to school in the morning! Nag on your husband for 45 minutes until he gets off his ass to mend the door that will be broken when the oldest child will slam the door. While he does that you must send the oldest child to bed, change the youngest and put in in it’s pyjamas, breastfeed it and get it to go to sleep. When that’s finished you shall take out the wet laundry from the machine, hang up the wet stuff, take down the dry stuff and fold it, and put on a new load. Now it will be time to do the dishes and clean the kitchen after dinner.
By now you’ll be able to take a breath and the house will seem somewhat quiet. But hang on... Your husband will ask you to be ‘ready’ when you get to bed – and of course you shall give him what he wants there. If you’re lucky (which I know you will be – after all, we’re talking about your husband, we both know what he’s like) the act will take only about 12 minutes. When he falls asleep you will go to the bathroom and wash yourself while you wait for the washing machine to finish. When it does you must hang up the wet clothes, take down the dry things and fold them and then put on another load of laundry. Then you can get the oldest child’s schoolbag ready for tomorrow, get the children’s clothes ready and then finish tidying up so it won’t be messy in the morning. When you’re finished with that you can brush your teeth and go to bed. Good luck!"
The man sat down on the toilet, stunned. He then decided to get started on God’s to-do list. He barely made it through the day and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, exhausted after all the work and with sore muscles after the sex. He managed to sleep for 2 x 3 hours (had to wake up and feed the youngest). The first thing he did when he woke up the next morning was to fall on his knees in the bathroom and beg God to change him back to a man.
Soon, the fire-writing appeard on the toilet paper:
“My dear son. I am very proud of how well you did yesterday, and I would like nothing more than to be able to grant you your wish this time. But unfortunately I can not. You will have to wait for about nine months, because – CONGRATULATIONS! You’re having a baby!”
Give me a break!
The Icelandic "justice" system is really bothering me these days... I'm looking for the appropriate terms to describe my opinion of it right now - but nothing more mature than 'big bucket of steamy crap' comes to mind!
Recently, a man was sentenced to spend a few months in prison for severely beating up his wife. He got I think something like 8 months... Well I'd think that was joke enough, but a short time after that, his sentence was changed in our wonderful supreme court, and reduced to some probation time because "she probably aggravated him" !!!
COME ON! Seriously, so now it's supposed to be OK for me to go bash people's head in, damaging them for life, just because they aggravated me?!? Just imagine it, I'm walking down the street and a woman gives me a weird look because she doesn't really like my hairdo. So *of course* I jump at her, beat her to the ground and then kick her face repeatedly until she simply doesn't move any more - and that's perfectly fine, because "she aggravated me" ! This absolutely makes me sick! To have the supreme court of a presumably civilized nation affirm, in the year 2004, people's right to physically abuse other people is so beyond my comprehension - how can using a person as a punch bag ever be all right? In my opinion violence just shouldn't be given the OK like that, it's just... erm... WRONG!
Well as if that weren't bad enough, that really wasn't what caused me to start writing this post. What really got me going was another sentence recently imposed upon a guy who had sexually abused his wife's 12 year old granddaughter for some period of time. As with other sentences for sexual crimes in Iceland it was absolutely laughable... But to make matters worse the delightful supreme court reduced it, as it had done in the previous case I mentioned. Their argument this time was that the poor old guy had a bad heart. Yes, of course it's kind of obvious that the SOB has a rotten heart - he wouldn't have molested the child if his heart was pure and honest... But that's not what they were referring to. No, the sick bastard has a heart condition, as in he could have a heart attack any time and drop dead.
*That wouldn't bother me a tiny bit personally, I kind of wish that it will happen, and that it will take a long time and be extremely painful... But now that's just me*
But this heart condition of his is now grounds enough to reduce his prison sentence. And to add insult to unjury, his old age was also considered when making that decision. Yes, they felt that the poor little thing was just too old and too weak of heart to serve time in prison.
I don't know about you guys, but that certainly puzzles me! Because he wasn't too old to force himself upon the child and his heart condition didn't exactly cause him to have problems with the abuse either, he wasn't too old or fragile to show up in court to lie about what he had done... His weakness - be it his age or his heart - didn't help the little girl whose life will probably never be the same again, and it will definitively not help the other children now put in danger of having to live through the same nighmare!
I could go on and on and on an on about the craziness of our system, but I think I'll leave it here. You probably get the idea.
I just think it really hurts to realize that in my country - a country where people live the longest, have the best quality of life and are the happiest of nations in Europe (and the rest of the world as well I might add) - sexual offences are not frowned upon more than this example shows. People who cheat on their tax reports or who embezzle money on the stock marked are handled more strictly, hell, at least they serve time!
Recently, a man was sentenced to spend a few months in prison for severely beating up his wife. He got I think something like 8 months... Well I'd think that was joke enough, but a short time after that, his sentence was changed in our wonderful supreme court, and reduced to some probation time because "she probably aggravated him" !!!
COME ON! Seriously, so now it's supposed to be OK for me to go bash people's head in, damaging them for life, just because they aggravated me?!? Just imagine it, I'm walking down the street and a woman gives me a weird look because she doesn't really like my hairdo. So *of course* I jump at her, beat her to the ground and then kick her face repeatedly until she simply doesn't move any more - and that's perfectly fine, because "she aggravated me" ! This absolutely makes me sick! To have the supreme court of a presumably civilized nation affirm, in the year 2004, people's right to physically abuse other people is so beyond my comprehension - how can using a person as a punch bag ever be all right? In my opinion violence just shouldn't be given the OK like that, it's just... erm... WRONG!
Well as if that weren't bad enough, that really wasn't what caused me to start writing this post. What really got me going was another sentence recently imposed upon a guy who had sexually abused his wife's 12 year old granddaughter for some period of time. As with other sentences for sexual crimes in Iceland it was absolutely laughable... But to make matters worse the delightful supreme court reduced it, as it had done in the previous case I mentioned. Their argument this time was that the poor old guy had a bad heart. Yes, of course it's kind of obvious that the SOB has a rotten heart - he wouldn't have molested the child if his heart was pure and honest... But that's not what they were referring to. No, the sick bastard has a heart condition, as in he could have a heart attack any time and drop dead.
*That wouldn't bother me a tiny bit personally, I kind of wish that it will happen, and that it will take a long time and be extremely painful... But now that's just me*
But this heart condition of his is now grounds enough to reduce his prison sentence. And to add insult to unjury, his old age was also considered when making that decision. Yes, they felt that the poor little thing was just too old and too weak of heart to serve time in prison.
I don't know about you guys, but that certainly puzzles me! Because he wasn't too old to force himself upon the child and his heart condition didn't exactly cause him to have problems with the abuse either, he wasn't too old or fragile to show up in court to lie about what he had done... His weakness - be it his age or his heart - didn't help the little girl whose life will probably never be the same again, and it will definitively not help the other children now put in danger of having to live through the same nighmare!
I could go on and on and on an on about the craziness of our system, but I think I'll leave it here. You probably get the idea.
I just think it really hurts to realize that in my country - a country where people live the longest, have the best quality of life and are the happiest of nations in Europe (and the rest of the world as well I might add) - sexual offences are not frowned upon more than this example shows. People who cheat on their tax reports or who embezzle money on the stock marked are handled more strictly, hell, at least they serve time!
Sorry babe!
I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with the blood-craving monster between their legs while women with their heart (I in fact don't know which one is worse).
For example, one evening last week, my boyfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, but I wasn't quite getting 'there' so I eventually said, "Honey, I don't feel like it tonight, I just want you to hold me." He said "WHAT????!!! What was that?!" I just responded to his puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?" Ok, ok I admit, I'm sure it's what every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear... But I went on: "You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."
I think he realized that nothing was going to happen that night so he went to sleep. The very next day he opted to take the day off of work to spend time with me. -Imagine my joy!
We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. He walked around with me while I tried on several different very expensive outfits. I couldn't really decide which one to take so he told me he'd just buy them all. (!!) Then (of course) I wanted new shoes to compliment my new clothes, so he, out of the kindness of his heart, said "lets get a pair for each outfit!" Then we went on to the jewellery department where I picked out a pair of diamond earrings (a stunning pair I must add).
You can't believe how excited I was! I mean, seriously, I was nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation I finally said, "I think this is all dear, Let's go to the cashier".
He could hardly contain himself when he blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it."
I guess my face just went completely blank as my jaw dropped with a baffled "WHAT???!!!"
Then he said, "Really honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while... You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman." I'm sure I had this look like I was going to slowly kill him with a pair of old, rusty scissors, but he added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
(I have to add that this masterpiece isn't my own, I got it through email from a friend - and unfortunately the author is unknown. Please let me know if you're any wiser on his/her identity so I can give proper credit)
For example, one evening last week, my boyfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, but I wasn't quite getting 'there' so I eventually said, "Honey, I don't feel like it tonight, I just want you to hold me." He said "WHAT????!!! What was that?!" I just responded to his puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?" Ok, ok I admit, I'm sure it's what every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear... But I went on: "You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."
I think he realized that nothing was going to happen that night so he went to sleep. The very next day he opted to take the day off of work to spend time with me. -Imagine my joy!
We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. He walked around with me while I tried on several different very expensive outfits. I couldn't really decide which one to take so he told me he'd just buy them all. (!!) Then (of course) I wanted new shoes to compliment my new clothes, so he, out of the kindness of his heart, said "lets get a pair for each outfit!" Then we went on to the jewellery department where I picked out a pair of diamond earrings (a stunning pair I must add).
You can't believe how excited I was! I mean, seriously, I was nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation I finally said, "I think this is all dear, Let's go to the cashier".
He could hardly contain himself when he blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it."
I guess my face just went completely blank as my jaw dropped with a baffled "WHAT???!!!"
Then he said, "Really honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while... You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman." I'm sure I had this look like I was going to slowly kill him with a pair of old, rusty scissors, but he added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
(I have to add that this masterpiece isn't my own, I got it through email from a friend - and unfortunately the author is unknown. Please let me know if you're any wiser on his/her identity so I can give proper credit)
A very girly weekend
I guess it's safe to say my weekend was very girly. Friday night was 'underwear party' night with my friends, we had a great time and got close to being highly explosive from eating too much... I didn't buy anything this time, but I saw a lot of cool stuff I might like to have in about 6 months or so. So I'll be collecting donations to my "cover up Lil's boobs"-fund in June, ok?
Then last night there was time for a girls' night on the town - which ended up as a great success, there were some (roughly estimated) 25 women who got together for serious beer-binging and loud-talking! I had to play chaperone for one of my friends who hasn't really been keeping up with the drinking habits the rest of the group consider 'normal' (meaning; she hasn't gotten shitfaced in over two years), so she let out her animal a little bit! Yep, I guess it's pretty fair to say she got a little bit wild... But it all ended up fairly safe - and she didn't really do anything seriously BAD.
So I think that in whole the weekend was pretty nice - although I think I should probably have slept a bit more... Anyway, perhaps I should pick up on that now then.
Later folkz!
Then last night there was time for a girls' night on the town - which ended up as a great success, there were some (roughly estimated) 25 women who got together for serious beer-binging and loud-talking! I had to play chaperone for one of my friends who hasn't really been keeping up with the drinking habits the rest of the group consider 'normal' (meaning; she hasn't gotten shitfaced in over two years), so she let out her animal a little bit! Yep, I guess it's pretty fair to say she got a little bit wild... But it all ended up fairly safe - and she didn't really do anything seriously BAD.
So I think that in whole the weekend was pretty nice - although I think I should probably have slept a bit more... Anyway, perhaps I should pick up on that now then.
Later folkz!
Food for thought
I'm having a little crisis these days that I can not for the life of me figure out on my own. There are many aspects to it that confuse me, many things to consider, possible consquenses that have to be weighed and effects on a lot of other people I have to think about.
It mainly boils down to happiness. Namely my own. I want to be happy (well, who doesn't?), but I'm having kind of a hard time figuring out just how I can achieve that without causing certain people around me too much grief. It's very difficult to try and figure this out, and I think I've come to a point where I simply have been thinking about it too much to be able to come to a conclution. I've reached a stage where none of my thoughts seem to make sense, I'm doubting my every decision and in effect really afraid of making a huge mistake.
I think lack of sleep isn't really helping, but with all the stuff going on I'm also not finding it easy to sleep at all - so I guess it's become a vicious circle. I'm too exhausted to look at my dilemma from a neutral point of view, and said dilemma is causing me such anxiety that I can't calm down and just sleep. That again is resulting in horrible nightmares when I eventually get to sleeping and so the whole thing is just kind of stuck.
But then again; what is happiness? Is it really something you should try so hard to achieve? Or is it something the world (btw I usually use the word 'world' as some would use 'God') hands out to you when you relax enough to be able to receive it? Is it maybe totally unobtainable, a sarcastically placed silhouette, put there by the world just to mess with us, something to keep us busy? Does it even exist? Sometimes I doubt it, because often people feel happy but that feeling can so easily be replaced by something else. So perhaps happiness isn't actually a place you can live in for the rest of your life, but something you have to accept as it is; a momentary feeling of well-being.
So what am I whining about? I certainly feel happy every once in a while, I can't deny that.
~When I help my son with his homework and for a brief minute look at his nose and realize how completely perfect it is
~when I'm digging my car out of a pile of snow and suddenly take the time to notice how pretty water in that form can be
~when a friend calls me to talk about absolutely nothing-only to chat with me because he/she cares
~when I take the first sip of coffee in the morning
~when I read a beautiful poem
~when I smell the grass in summer
~when I listen to my favourite music
~when I do well on an exam
~when I sit in silence with my father by the kitchen table back home
~when I win a game of Catan
~when I make true love
~when I think about how extremely lucky I really am to be living in a country without war
~when I take the first bite of mom's Christmas dinner
~when I meet a person I know will actually have a positive effect on my life
~when I talk to the world and it answers back...
I know that there are a lot of things I can be very, very grateful for and stuff I should probably treasure more than I already do. But still I have this feeling that there's something missing from my life right now. And I think that it's only human to always want to better your life, no matter how good it already may be. So that is what has put me in this unfortunate situation.
There are things I want to do that may not necessarily be what the people around me want me to do. Things I want to do because I want them - and not because they're right for anyone else but me. I do have a tendency to always place other people before me and that has made me forget a piece of myself in the past. I managed to fix it that time, but I'm genuinely afraid that I may be heading towards that scenario again; where I don't really know myself, my longings and needs...
So maybe I've answered my own question right there. Maybe it's time for me to place myself first and do what I want to do - if not for anything else, then to reclaim that part of me. But I've found out that when people say "it's easier said than done" - there really are cases where that is so very, very true.
So last night I asked the world for guidance, like so many times before. -And I'm not really sure how to interpret the stuff I'm getting back from it. Perhaps I'm just not liking what it's saying to me? I don't know... I do know that I'm not particularly happy right now and I want to do something about it! There are still a lot of unanswered questions, but the time has definitively come for me to take action.
It mainly boils down to happiness. Namely my own. I want to be happy (well, who doesn't?), but I'm having kind of a hard time figuring out just how I can achieve that without causing certain people around me too much grief. It's very difficult to try and figure this out, and I think I've come to a point where I simply have been thinking about it too much to be able to come to a conclution. I've reached a stage where none of my thoughts seem to make sense, I'm doubting my every decision and in effect really afraid of making a huge mistake.
I think lack of sleep isn't really helping, but with all the stuff going on I'm also not finding it easy to sleep at all - so I guess it's become a vicious circle. I'm too exhausted to look at my dilemma from a neutral point of view, and said dilemma is causing me such anxiety that I can't calm down and just sleep. That again is resulting in horrible nightmares when I eventually get to sleeping and so the whole thing is just kind of stuck.
But then again; what is happiness? Is it really something you should try so hard to achieve? Or is it something the world (btw I usually use the word 'world' as some would use 'God') hands out to you when you relax enough to be able to receive it? Is it maybe totally unobtainable, a sarcastically placed silhouette, put there by the world just to mess with us, something to keep us busy? Does it even exist? Sometimes I doubt it, because often people feel happy but that feeling can so easily be replaced by something else. So perhaps happiness isn't actually a place you can live in for the rest of your life, but something you have to accept as it is; a momentary feeling of well-being.
~When I help my son with his homework and for a brief minute look at his nose and realize how completely perfect it is
~when I'm digging my car out of a pile of snow and suddenly take the time to notice how pretty water in that form can be
~when a friend calls me to talk about absolutely nothing-only to chat with me because he/she cares
~when I take the first sip of coffee in the morning
~when I read a beautiful poem
~when I smell the grass in summer
~when I listen to my favourite music
~when I do well on an exam
~when I sit in silence with my father by the kitchen table back home
~when I win a game of Catan
~when I make true love
~when I think about how extremely lucky I really am to be living in a country without war
~when I take the first bite of mom's Christmas dinner
~when I meet a person I know will actually have a positive effect on my life
~when I talk to the world and it answers back...
I know that there are a lot of things I can be very, very grateful for and stuff I should probably treasure more than I already do. But still I have this feeling that there's something missing from my life right now. And I think that it's only human to always want to better your life, no matter how good it already may be. So that is what has put me in this unfortunate situation.
There are things I want to do that may not necessarily be what the people around me want me to do. Things I want to do because I want them - and not because they're right for anyone else but me. I do have a tendency to always place other people before me and that has made me forget a piece of myself in the past. I managed to fix it that time, but I'm genuinely afraid that I may be heading towards that scenario again; where I don't really know myself, my longings and needs...
So maybe I've answered my own question right there. Maybe it's time for me to place myself first and do what I want to do - if not for anything else, then to reclaim that part of me. But I've found out that when people say "it's easier said than done" - there really are cases where that is so very, very true.
So last night I asked the world for guidance, like so many times before. -And I'm not really sure how to interpret the stuff I'm getting back from it. Perhaps I'm just not liking what it's saying to me? I don't know... I do know that I'm not particularly happy right now and I want to do something about it! There are still a lot of unanswered questions, but the time has definitively come for me to take action.
Photoshop is FUN
Ok, here's what I was thinking: I bet you're ALWAYS thinking about what you would look like if you hadn't been born as a human being, but rather a Bratz doll!
Hehe at least I coulnd't help wondering about it... And since I'm always looking for stuff to do instead of doing what I should be doing (I *do* realize that that was a confusing sentence), I decided to find out!
Tammtarammtammtamm... and here's the result:
Ok, ok, I admit that this could also be me after one too many plastic surgeries - but the Bratz idea was a good one though!
Hehe at least I coulnd't help wondering about it... And since I'm always looking for stuff to do instead of doing what I should be doing (I *do* realize that that was a confusing sentence), I decided to find out!
Tammtarammtammtamm... and here's the result:
Ok, ok, I admit that this could also be me after one too many plastic surgeries - but the Bratz idea was a good one though!
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