I am so lucky to have such a perfect child, such a pretty (and nice and funny) younger sister, a wonderful pair of parents, some 4 other siblings who would most likely walk in front of traffic for me, and a six-pack of Viking Lite! Thanks to the world for matching me up with them!
(And no, I'm not undergoing cancer treatment)
Yes, I admit, I did have a couple of beers tonight - but it doesn't change the fact that I'm a very lucky (and at the moment happy) person! :D My sister came here today, so now I can have conversations with someone a bit closer to myself in age and character (not that my parents are bad conversationalistst or anything...), so I'm a little bit less lonely now than I was yesterday. I still haven't managed to get her hooked on Catan, but I'm sure I'll crack her soon enough! Muhahahahaha....
*Li|iana fades off to bed, not a moment too soon*
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