
Need a topic

I have no idea what to talk about today - I'm just extremely bored and wanted to find something to kill time with. I feel too sick to be walking around doing some cleaning (which is definitely needed, though...) so whatever I do I think I'll be doing right here, sitting on the sofa. I'm hoping the flu will release its hold on me soon, so I can start looking around me and not seeing piles of unfolded laundry and dust-bunnies running around on the floor.

I think I'm allergic to Chinese food. I can not eat anything from Chinese restaurants without getting horribly nauseous and basically just spending a couple of hours lying on the couch with stomach pains. The weird thing is that I can't think of what exactly it is that triggers this state of not-so-well-being, but I really would like to know. I think being like this really stinks, because I have a hard time thinking of food I like more than Chinese. *cries*

2 ummæli:

noodle sagði...

Well, have you heard of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome?? You just described the symptoms to a tee Lil, urban legend has it that its the MSG that triggers it in some patrons of chinese food... Ok stop laughing..I'm not kidding!! :P

p/s: Really I'm not.

Pjusken sagði...

Not kidding you say? Oh dang... Guess I'll have to give it up then *sobs*